RE: Proposal to make the unicode list more transparent! (Sender:

Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 10:50:48 EDT

Doug Ewell wrote:
> There is already a separate list called "unicore" where
> members discuss
> proposals for new characters and scripts and other nuts-and-bolts
> issues. (BTW, how can I join that list? Is it for Unicode members
> only?)

"Member-only" is reductive: you have to be a "specialist" member (US$600 per
year); "individual" members (US$120 per year) are not allowed in.

> The best solution is to scan the "Subject" line of messages and to use
> your "delete" button on messages you don't care about. I know this
> sounds flippant every time someone says it, but experience shows it is
> really the best way. We can help by changing the "Subject" line of a
> thread to reflect that the underlying topic has changed.

Everybody (beginning by myself!) should probably be more careful in naming
subject lines, and renaming them when a reply deviates from the subject.

It could be a good thing to use the self-conscious "(Off-topic)" prefix when
a thread goes off the rail.

And what about using "on-topic" prefixes? E.g. (CJK), (Indic), (Fonts),
(BIDI), etc. This could be a big help for both manual and automatic
filtering. The actual "dictionary" of prefixes does not need to be formally
defined a priori: its maintenance could be and partially or totally
spontaneous (e.g.: one uses a new prefix and, if it is informative, others
will use it for next messages on the same topic).

_ Marco

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