Unicode site redesign

From: Mark Davis (markdavis@ispchannel.com)
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 11:28:14 EDT

We are pleased to announce that the Unicode web site has been
redesigned to improve navigation and usability. Our new look features
a more accessible layout and color scheme, with related links in the
side bar on most pages to help you learn about other information
available on the site. Longer pages also include a table of contents
in the sidebar. A new navigation bar in the upper right-hand corner
provides links to home, search and the site map (and on some browsers,
a drop-down menu to help you navigate the site).

There are also a number of new pages that you should find useful. In
particular, you'll find that our FAQ has been expanded and
reorganized, and will continue to be further enhanced in the near
future (along with some other parts of the site).


 - "Where is my Character?"

- "What is Unicode?" (in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian,
Russian, and more to come)

- "Display Problems"

In addition, some other useful pages have been added recently,

- Site search

- Glossary

- Chapter 1 of TUS 3.0

We would like to thank the UTC editorial committee for their review
and redesign of the site; in particular, we are grateful to Julie
Allen (Editor) and Magda Danish (Administrative Director) for their
very hard work in making this project a success (on top of all their
other work)!

We would appreciate your forwarding this announcement to other people
who may find this new site information useful.

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