Re: Unicode site

From: James Kass (
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 17:11:06 EDT

George Zeigler wrote about web sites in Unicode.

Pierre Hubert is working on a project to provide the International Glossary of Hydrology in
HTML/Unicode format. The original book, published by UNESCO and the World Meteorological
Organization, contained terms in English, Spanish, French, and Russian. With assistance from diverse
colleagues, he has added several languages to the glossary. All of the encoding on the site is
Unicode, with the exception of the Hindi pages.

> you suggested two sites for viewing a Unicode site.
> I looked at the source code for

>and found

A straight subset of Unicode, pages encoded in iso-8859-1
are encoded in Unicode, they just aren't necessarily in
UTF-8 format.

>I went to the chinese page for the following site and looked at the source >code.
>CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=big5
> Maybe the data in the database is unicode, but the displayed html is not.

What might give the illusion that such sites are
encoded in Unicode rather than Big 5 is that the
Internet Explorer displays such pages with Unicode
fonts. In other words, if I call up a web page
written in cp1251, my browser and system will display
this with the default Unicode font (which has no cp1251
information inside) even if my system doesn't have
any cp1251 compatible font installed.

Best regards,

James Kass.

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