Re: MS Command Prompt

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 11:02:48 EST

Patrick Rourke <> wrote:

> In Windows XP, if I type the Alt+0248 in the command prompt with the
> set to "raster fonts," I get an o. If I type it in a command prompt
> the font set to Lucida Console, I get the ΓΈ. However, it only works
if I
> change the font before I type the character.
> So I am guessing that in XP, whatever code page you have selected, if
> default font for the command line doesn't have the character you want,
> you're stuck with the closest approximation in that font.

I hadn't thought of that. In Windows 2000 I am using Lucida Console,
while my colleague's NT 4 computer on which I conducted the test was
using the "Terminal" bitmap font. I didn't know the NT 4 system was
doing substitutions based on what was available in the font, but it
seems that's what's happening. Thanks for the info.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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