Re: Digraphs as Distinct Logical Units

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 11:28:26 EDT

James Kass <jameskass at worldnet dot att dot net> wrote:

>> Yes, the Bismillah is under ballot. However it will have no
>> decomposition.
> Why not? Is this a way of sneaking it past the current policy of
> not encoding any new characters which decompose?

I'm curious about this too. Is it for transcoding with a character set
that was in existence in the early '90s, but not considered until now?
I thought that was the criterion.

Encoding this as a single character, even in the compatibility zone,
seems inconsistent with what everyone (well, almost everyone) has been
saying about what should and should not be encoded.

> Calling this phrase a character makes about as much sense as encoding
> the word "FAX" at U+213B, which is also apparently under
> consideration.

That and other "squared" symbols are in a North Korean legacy character
standard, at least. And if you think that's bad, you should have seen
the ones that got rejected -- special "emphasized" Hangul for writing
the names of North Korean dictators, and special vulgar fractions with
horizontal bars instead of diagonal. (The DPRK standard does include

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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