RE: Unicode fonts???

From: Alan Wood (
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 04:50:15 EST

  • Next message: Teri Griopich: "Confused by the difference between Case Mapping Charts and SpecialCasing.txt (U+0130)"

    Avnish Midha wrote:

    > We require some unicode(that support atleast CJKT characters) fonts that
    > can
    > be re-distributed with a commercial application. Could someone please send
    > me the list of unicode fonts available? If possible also give the
    > licensing
    > info i.e. whether the font is free or requires licensing.
    You can find lists of Unicode fonts here:

    You will need to contact the suppliers of each font to obtain information
    about re-distribution.

    Alan Wood (Unicode, special characters, pesticide names)

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