RE: Precomposed Tibetan

From: Peter Lofting (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 14:00:52 EST

  • Next message: Carl W. Brown: "RE: Precomposed Tibetan"

    At 7:32 PM +0100 12/17/02, Marco Cimarosti wrote:
    >Once the Tibetan BrdaRten characters are encoded
    >in BMP, many current systems supporting ISO/IEC10646 will enable Tibetan
    >processing without major modification.

    There was an earlier proposal by the Chinese for a pre-composed
    Tibetan set (ISO10646-WG2-N964) that I analyzed in Jan 1994. It had
    708 character stacks.

    It was believed to be from a PC hardware card-based implimentation
    that the Chinese posts & telegraph department had early on and was
    for supporting colloquial Tibetan plus a bit extra (transliterations
    of foreign place names, etc.). The 1994 proposal document was dot
    matrix printed and contained some hand-drawn glyphs, indicating that
    the PC implementation of that time could not support some chars.

    Presumedly the present proposal of 900+ stacks is a maturation of the
    same system. And the claim for universality is based on it being able
    to typeset everything they have published to-date. The question is
    whether that list of texts is representative of the full literary and
    linguistic corpus or is only a sub-set?

    Could the Chinese be asked to provide detailed information on this
    system and the texts that it has published so we can get an idea of
    the domain that their stack set covers?

    Peter Lofting

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