Re: Unicode and Encoding Problems in Browsers

From: Muhammad Asif (
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 05:55:34 EST

  • Next message: Muhammad Asif: "Re: Unicode and Encoding Problems in Browsers"

    can it be problem with Uniscribe (USP10.dll) shiped with Windows2000 and
    IE? ie. may be characters appearing as rectangles are not supported in
    particualar version of Uniscribe.

    But then why Netscape is rendering these properly?


    At 12:56 PM 2/7/2003 +0000, Shlomi Tal wrote:
    >I'd like to mention that this problem which Muhammad Asif brings forth is
    >an extant one in my circle of work. I work as PC technician, and one
    >complaint I often get in tech support calls is that the user is unable to
    >type Hebrew in the Search box in the MSN Israel website ( under
    >Windows XP. At the first time, I told the user to set the "Language for
    >Non-Unicode Programs" (known as the System Locale in Windows 2000, which
    >sets the emulated ANSI codepage), but it didn't help: the user still
    >complained of seeing boxes instead of proper Hebrew letters. The encoding
    >of is "Hebrew (Windows)".
    >It doesn't happen under all machines. Mine at home runs XP too, but I
    >don't have that problem. I suspect it's not related to Unicode/encodings
    >stuff at all. The fact that it appears only under XP (and not 2000 or 98,
    >for instance) leads me to believe it may have something to do with the
    >Java VM (which is by default lacking in XP and updates browser components
    >when installed).
    >I hope that is of some enlightenment.
    >MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

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