Fwd: Big5-HKSCS for ICU4C

From: Markus Scherer (markus.scherer@jtcsv.com)
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 20:05:38 EST

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    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Big5-HKSCS for ICU4C
    Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 16:26:17 -0800
    From: George Rhoten <grhoten@us.ibm.com>
    To: icu4c-support@oss.software.ibm.com, icu@oss.software.ibm.com

    Hello everyone,

    I have recently collected a Big5-HKSCS mapping table, and it tries to
    mirror the MacOS 10.2 implementation of Big5-HKSCS. If you are interested
    in this mapping table, please download it and try it out with your copy of
    ICU. I'm planning on adding this mapping table to ICU 2.6, and feedback
    on this table is appreciated.

    You can download the table from here:

    Here are the simple instructions for adding it to your copy of ICU.

    1) Add this line to icu/source/data/mappings/convrtrs.txt
    macos-2566-10.2 Big5-HKSCS { IANA* }

    2) Copy the UCM file to icu/source/data/mappings/

    3) Create the file icu/source/data/mappings/ucmlocal.mk with this inside:


    4) Rebuild ICU

    More detailed information on adding other converters to ICU can be found
    in the ICU Data section of the User's Guide:

    More information about other converters that are available for download
    can be found on our Charset Repository page:

    George Rhoten
    IBM Globalization Center of Competency/ICU San Jose, CA, USA
    icu4c-support@oss.software.ibm.com - icu4c-support mailing list
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