Re: length of text by different languages

From: Jon Babcock (
Date: Sat Mar 08 2003 - 13:55:26 EST

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    I just checked my old Japanese moji(character)-to-English
    calculations and I think 1.8-2.8 to 1 is a more realistic ratio
    than the 2.3-3.2 I mentioned. (Comparing this to the 1.4-1.8 to
    1 that I use for Chinese would indicate that Chinese is slighlty
    more "efficient" than Japanese.)

    Also, I compared the Japanese and English translations of the
    Bible (both done by the same source for the same general
    readership), and came up with from 1.9-2.29 to 1, as the
    moji-to-English conversion ratio. It varies depending on how I
    estimate the number of moji and the number of English characters
    per page.


    Jon Babcock <>

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