Re: 24th Unicode Conference - Atlanta, GA - September 3-5, 2003 [OT]

From: John Cowan (
Date: Mon Jul 07 2003 - 14:22:32 EDT

  • Next message: John Cowan: "Re: French group separators"

    Peter Kirk scripsit:

    > Don't tell the Georgians you said their country was in Asia, you might
    > get in trouble! They certainly consider themselves Europeans, in line
    > with their culture and religion. As for the geography, atlases differ.

    The U.N.'s Statistics Division, which has absolutely no political
    axes to grind, considers Georgia (and Armenia and Azerbaycan) to be in
    Western Asia. See

    <remark type="outrageous">It's true that culturally Georgia is more
    European than Asian, but culturally the U.S. and Canada are more British
    than American.</remark>

    Andrew Watt on Microsoft:                       John Cowan
    "Never in the field of human computing
    has so much been paid by so many      
    to so few!" (pace Winston Churchill)  

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