Re: font creation software for Unicode Hebrew proposal ?

From: Chris Jacobs (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 13:50:23 EDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: font creation software for Unicode Hebrew proposal ?"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Elaine Keown" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 12:48 AM
    Subject: Re: font creation software for Unicode Hebrew proposal ?

    > Elaine Keown
    > central Texas
    > Hi,
    > What is the absolute minimal font
    > requirement for a Unicode proposal?
    > Just glyphs or more?

    Just pictures.

    The Unicode Standard 4.0, page 7:

    1.6 Submitting New Characters

    "The Unicode Consortium accepts proposals for inclusion of new characters
    and scripts in the Unicode Standard. All proposals must be in writing, must
    include at least one picture of each proposed character (normally from a
    printed source), and must include significant documentation justifying the
    proposal. Those considering submitting a proposal should first determine
    whether a particular script or character has already been proposed. The
    identification of the sponsor(s) must be included, along with a postal
    address and an electronic mail address or phone number. Please consult the
    Unicode Consortium's Web site ( for the most current
    guidelines. ... "

    Looks to me the pictures don't _have_ to be from a printed source but can be
    just written by hand.

    > If the PUA is supposed to be
    > left-to-right, what codes do I give
    > the proposed glyphs? Do they have
    > to have a real Unicode code point?

    If you assign code points in the PUA to your glyphs it does not matter which
    code points that are, since those codepoints then will not be used anyway.

    > Thanks, Elaine
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