Re: U+0140

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Mon Apr 19 2004 - 17:45:43 EDT

  • Next message: Rick Cameron: "RE: Web Form: Subj: Unicode conversion- Microsoft Visual C++ comp iler"

    On 19/04/2004 13:03, Kenneth Whistler wrote:

    >... Those other middle dots give
    >people textual representation alternatives now, if they need to make
    >distinctions, and textual rendering alternatives, if they need to make
    >middle dots which display with slightly different heights, sizes, or
    >spacings, depending on the rendering requirements.

    Ken, does Unicode specify height, size and spacing distinctions between
    the various middle dots which you listed? If I understand correctly, it
    certainly doesn't do so exhaustively. So in effect what you are
    suggesting here is that people make and use their own private
    distinctions between characters which are not defined by Unicode. This
    sounds very like advising people to ignore Unicode character identiies
    and properties and do their own thing. Rather strange advice from
    someone in your position, surely?

    Surely, in the current situation and if further proliferation of middle
    dots is considered undesirable, users should be advised to presume that
    distinctions between middle dots are not a plain text matter and so
    should be handled by markup, including language selection.

    And if (as I just suggested on the Hebrew list might be true of some
    variant Hebrew pointing systems) someone finds a well documented script
    in which a true middle dot and an x-height dot are used contrastively,
    the correct approach would be either to accept, reluctantly, that at
    least one new dot needs to be encoded; or else for Unicode to define
    clearly which existing character should be used for which dot in this
    script. The worst thing that could happen would be for different text
    providers to make different and incompatible selections among the
    existing characters, leading to total confusion. But that seems to be
    the approach which you, Ken, are advocating.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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