Re: PUA as the Wild West [was: SSP default ignorable characters]

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 15:20:30 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: New contribution"

    A propos of the separate thread on the directionality of
    Arabic digits...

    > At some point it can indeed become unrealistic, snobbish, self-serving,
    > and even lazy to just casually toss out the "do-it-yourself" crumb.

    Thank you, Dean, for casting Persians in your Western. ;-)

    > Currently, I view the PUA as practically a wasteland, unusable for even
    > for the most basic research work.

    A wise decision, all in all.

    > Is it simply out of the question, to review PUA policies and
    > implementation in Unicode? Could not the PUA, or possibly multiple PUA's,
    > retain their almost wild west independence and entrepreneurial spirit,
    > and still have a few sheriffs hanging around here and there to impose
    > some minimal expectation of law and order?

    But who would you cast in the role of sheriff? James Garner is
    getting a little old for that kind of thing, and I didn't see
    anyone with the right acting resume among the Persians.


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