Re: New contribution

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 08:29:38 EDT

  • Next message: C J Fynn: "Re: Variation selectors and vowel marks"

    On 29/04/2004 04:42, C J Fynn wrote:

    > ...
    >Since a formal proposal has now been submitted, formal objections to that
    >proposal can also be submitted.
    >- Chris
    Just submitted:

    Michael Everson has made a proposal, N2746, for encoding the Phoenician
    script in the UCS. The principle of encoding Phoenician separately from
    Hebrew has been discussed at length e.g. on the Unicode Hebrew list, and
    remains highly controversial. Indeed it seems to have won little support
    in these discussions apart from that of the current proposer. The
    general scholarly practice is to encode Phoenician, paleo-Hebrew etc as
    Hebrew script with variant glyphs. A change to using a separate
    Phoenician script will be disruptive and will compromise existing
    encoded texts. The user community is apparently far from convinced that
    the negative effects of this change will be outweighed by any claimed

    In section C point 2a of the proposal the proposer states that no
    contact has been made with the user community. In fact there has been
    some contact, at least on the Unicode Hebrew list, but the users
    contacted have not been in favour of the principle of the proposal.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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