Re: ISO 15924 draft fixes

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Wed May 19 2004 - 18:35:15 CDT

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    At 01:26 +0200 2004-05-20, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    >I note also that the list of change (the HTML file in your archive) does not
    >include the change of orthograph in English names for consonnants with dots
    >below (such as malalayam). As this ISO-15924 standard should make the English
    >and French names unambiguous, their orthograph is important.

    I understand that there are many problems with the online files; I
    made a comparison only with the plain-text files, and Malayalam was
    not spelled differently in that file, so I judged it irrelevant to
    the task of correcting the basic database.

    Michael Everson * * Everson Typography *  *

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