Re: Revised Phoenician proposal

From: Curtis Clark (
Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 16:44:24 CDT

  • Next message: Mark E. Shoulson: "Re: Revised Phoenician proposal"

    on 2004-06-06 13:50 D. Starner wrote:
    > Let's be honest; the only people who matter in the least when discussing
    > a script is the people who actually use it. And all evidence presented here
    > indicates that scholars of Semitic languages--that is, the people who can
    > actually read the stuff written in the script--are, not surprisingly, the
    > majority users of Phoenician.

    (As a rhetorical device,) I have to say that I'm puzzled by this. All
    I've seemed to hear from Semiticists is that Phoenician is not a
    separate script. How, then, can these same Semiticists be the major
    users of something that doesn't exist?

    Curtis Clark        
    Mockingbird Font Works        

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