Re: [OT] Re: Still some educational work to do

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Wed Jun 30 2004 - 17:54:54 CDT

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Greek tonos and oxia"

    On 30/06/2004 11:35, Michael Tiemann wrote:

    >As a person who has spent 10+ years talking with the press and seeing
    >how the press reports, the amount of misinformation is staggering. For
    >me what is most frustrating is how the press will take the most
    >sensational things that are said, ignoring the larger context of what is
    >being communicated. This obsession with soundbites is to understanding
    >what a porno movie is to human emotions, desires, and dreams. Worse,
    >every other reporter thinks that this is good, not bad journalism, and
    >the result is that there is no standard of quality, only mediocrity.
    As someone who has spent just one year helping to put together a
    quarterly local newspaper, for free distribution by my church
    ( - nothing to do with Unicode!), I am frustrated
    that when we have tried to do some in depth analysis of significant
    local issues we get complaints that our articles are too long. If the
    public will only read or listen to soundbites, what chance is there for
    quality journalism?

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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