Re: Much better Latin-1 keyboard for Windows

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sun Jul 18 2004 - 10:18:38 CDT

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Folding algorithm and canonical equivalence"

    From: "John Cowan" <>

    > is a page about
    > (and a link to) a truly excellent Windows keyboard driver that
    > provides full access to the Latin-1 range but is completely compatible
    > with the US-ASCII keyboard except for AltGr (the right Alt key).
    > All non-ASCII characters and dead keys are available there: for
    > example, to get à, one types AltGr-` followed by a.
    > I can't recommend this too much; I immediately dropped both the US-ASCII
    > and US-International keyboards, which I have been using in alternation.
    > The only (very minor) problem with it is that for some reason it messes
    > up Ctrl-Shift and Ctrl-nonletter key combinations.

    Ah, that is the first time I ever saw a use for control chars in the CTRL
    shift state!

    But..... if you load the keyboard in MSKLC, add U+001d to the VK_OEM_6 key
    (which is where that bracket is), rebuilt it, and install it, then the
    Telnet ESC squence will work properly.

    Telnet seems to be depending on some of those control characters being on
    the keyboard, and in particular positions (which means lots of the built-in
    keyboards would fail since not all of them have these definitions). I'll put
    this in as a bug to fix in the next version of MSKLC....


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