Re: Simplified Chinese radical set in Unihan

From: Tom Emerson (
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 17:20:06 CST

  • Next message: Mustafa Jabbar: "Unicode Suppoprt in Mobile Phone"

    Erik Peterson writes:
    > That's what I was thinking, although the lates ABC dictionary, the
    > Comprehensive, no long uses the CASS table but KangXi with extensions to
    > handle simplified characters. The order of the CASS table used in ABC
    > also differs from the most recent editions of the Xinhua Zidian and
    > Xiandai Hanyu Cidian. However, I think once characters are mapped to
    > the 189 CASS radicals, switching around the order would be easy.

    Ah, I don't have my copy of the Comprehensive ABC here at home with me.

    CASS re-ordering won't matter as long as one is picked (Xinhua Zidian
    would probably make sense) and used consistently and it is
    documented. It is also easy enough to provide mappings between the
    different orders, as long as all 189 are there.

    > I've been working on a program like you describe. I think it will
    > handle the majority of characters, but in a significant percentage of
    > cases the mapping is not direct and will need to be hand-corrected.

    Cool. Hand-correction is expected. I can't wait to see the data you
    generate. It would probably make sense to move this to the unihan@
    mailing list though.

    > I'm not sure and I'm not an expert, but from my experience it seems so.

    It will be easy enough to check.

    This is great stuff.


    Tom Emerson                                          Basis Technology Corp.
    Software Architect                       
      "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity: lick it once and you suck forever"

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