Re: Spam : Re: ISO 10646 compliance and EU law

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 08:18:32 CST

  • Next message: Vladimir Ivanov: "Re: Kurdish gaf variant"

    Michael Everson a écrit :

    > At 21:05 -0500 2004-12-31, Patrick Andries wrote:
    >> The coin differ from country to country (one side at least), why
    >> couldn't the banknotes show some of the diversity the UE pretends to
    >> consider as a treasure.
    > Because variation would mean a wider availability of "unfamiliar"
    > notes and that would benefit counterfeiters.

    And the coins which have a different side [much more than simply saying
    dix euros/tien euro/diez euros/dieci euri] for each country can't be
    unfamiliair and counterfeited ? Really I don't buy that argument. Did I
    say I find the abstract building -- because none of the buildings
    depicted had to exist lest it would be taken as a preference for a given
    country where the building is found -- quite symbolic of this Euro(R)
    baknotes : cold and « déracinée ». Brrr.

    But enough. These Euro (no s please) symbolise quite well what I don't
    like about the EU.

    P. A.

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