Re: 03F3 j Greek Letter yot (was Re: IDN problem.... :( )

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2005 - 18:28:15 CST

  • Next message: Mark E. Shoulson: "Re: 03F3 j Greek Letter yot (was Re: IDN problem.... :( )"

    Peter Kirk a écrit :

    > On 15/02/2005 18:34, Michael Everson wrote:
    >> At 13:10 -0500 2005-02-15, Patrick Andries wrote:
    >>>> But there are non-casing characters in casing scripts, e.g.
    >>>> Cyrillic palochka, apostrophes etc used as letters in some scripts,
    >>>> and arguably German sharp S.
    >>> Interesting question. I wonder if there a lot more unicameral
    >>> letters in bicameral scripts...
    >> I have discovered palochka to have regular case in handwriting.
    >> I think the default state is "casing" apart from letters where it
    >> really isn't possible or sensible to try to make casing letterforms
    >> for them. Why? Because evidence shows, again and again, people
    >> innovate case where it wasn't there originally.
    Well, you know my opinion : the best people to decide what is sensible,
    of course, are the people using these scripts (more delicate for dead
    scripts). I don't think letters should be invented before the users of
    the script do so and we then go through the normal process (real need, a
    single author's idiosyncratic style, potential impact on legacy, etc.)

    > You have also shown casing in an apostrophe-like letter used in
    > Egyptian transliteration.
    > So are we likely to see proposals for lower case palochka, upper case
    > sharp S etc? I think a proposal for the latter has been presented to
    > WG2, but what happened to it?

    (Don't know)

    P. A.

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