Re: String name and Character Name

From: David Starner (
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 16:28:24 CST

  • Next message: Sinnathurai Srivas: "Re: String name and Character Name"

    On 4/13/05, Otto Stolz <> wrote:

    > It would, however, be more useful to the general public, if you would communicate your
    > knowledge through the official channels, so your suggestions would end in the places
    > where users of the Unicode standard would expect (and hence read) them, viz. in the
    > annotations for individual characters (TUS, chapter 16),

    You miss part of the point of this; many of these characters have
    annotations, but when people pull up a character map--random people,
    who may have never heard of Unicode--they get the name Fhtora, often
    in a space where there's no room to show extensive annotations. A list
    of names that could replace the places where the current names are
    shown to end users out of a need for a terse descriptor is needed.

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