Re: Full Unicode Computer Keyboard

From: Hans Aberg (
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 11:42:16 CDT

  • Next message: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin: "Re: Full Unicode Computer Keyboard"

    At 15:31 +0200 2005/05/10, JFC (Jefsey) Morfin wrote:
    > - the first one being the keyboards. With real problems since my
    >AZERT keyboard does not support all the legal French characters, so
    >I must rely on the goodwill of applications to enter characters
    >sequences correctly, what is totally impossible (how do you want a
    >program to know that COEUR has a ligature and NOE has not).

    This last is essentially a parsing and rendering problem: If COEUR
    and NOE can be identified by the context they are in, the correct
    semantic information can be attached to them. This semantic
    information can then be used to provide a correct rendering. The
    problems is similar to the multiple uses of "-", as a number
    negation, and a number range which in correct typesetting is rendered
    differently. This difference led me to the notion of "input

       Hans Aberg

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