Re: Unihan and U+939D

From: Tom Emerson (
Date: Tue Jun 14 2005 - 08:10:27 CDT

  • Next message: Andrew West: "Re: Unihan and U+939D"

    Andrew West writes:
    > On 14/06/05, Benjamin Kite <> wrote:
    > >
    > > The Unihan definition for U+939D (æp) is presently "tc". I assume this
    > > stands for "traditional character".
    > "tc" is a little terse. In fact "tc"stands for the element technetium.
    > Both U+939D and U+951D (a simplified character which also has the
    > Unihan definition of "tc") are used to translate the name of this
    > element in Chinese. I guess the Unihan definition should be "Tc"
    > rather than "tc", and perhaps "Tc (technetium)" would be even clearer.

    I thought U+9340 was the full-form of U+951D. Is U+939D a variant U+9340?

    > > Lastly, there is a simplified version of U+939D with the standard
    > > simplification (U+9485 [...]) of the Kangxi gold radical (U+2FA6 [...]),
    > > but it doesn't seem to appear in Unicode anywhere at present.
    > The simplified form is encoded at U+28C4F.

    This form doesn't use the simplified gold radical, rather U+8345. Is
    this full/simple form mapping between U+939D and U+28C4F documented?
    (I'm not trying to be a PITA, I'm trying to understand the process.)

    Tom Emerson                                          Basis Technology Corp.
    Software Architect                       
      "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity: lick it once and you suck forever"

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