Re: It is easy to predict the past.

From: Tom Emerson (
Date: Tue Jun 14 2005 - 13:43:20 CDT

  • Next message: Patrick Andries: "Re: It is easy to predict the past."

    Mete Kural writes:
    > That is your opinion and I respect that. But I think the need for
    > coloring parts of an Arabic word are justifiable enough (for example
    > Arabic educational materials) that I would recommend any serious
    > implementor of Arabic script rendering to provide the
    > feature.

    I recognize the need, but question utility of complicating the
    rendering engines for *everyone* merely to support a (you have to
    admit) a relatively small subset of Arabic-script users. That's my
    point here.

    > Arabic teachers do not have the skills to customize Pango.

    Few people at all have the skills to customize Pango, or any other
    rendering engine.


    Tom Emerson                                          Basis Technology Corp.
    Software Architect                       
      "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity: lick it once and you suck forever"

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