Re: Historical Cyrillic in Unicode

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Sat Aug 20 2005 - 15:24:06 CDT

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    At 22:47 +0400 2005-08-20, Alexej Kryukov wrote:

    >But what about historical Cyrillic? Are there any plans to improve
    >support of old and church Slavonic in Unicode?

    Yes, but it is a question of resources to make the encoding effort possible.

    >For example, does anybody know anything about this document:

    Yes. I wrote it, and it shouldn't be on a Russian site without
    permission, and I wonder how it got there.

    >At least some of proposals listed there might be very useful for slavists...

    We know. It just takes a lot of work to put these proposals together.

    Michael Everson *

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