RE: [indic] Unicode Processing Requirements for Tamil (was: 28th IUC paper - Tamil Unicode New)

From: Peter Constable (
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 14:24:55 CDT

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    When trying to identify clusters in Bengali script, I'm not going to
    treat Latin superscript digits as part of that cluster unless something
    tells me just how that's supposed to behave in rendering.

    From: Eric Muller []
    Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 11:55 AM
    To: Peter Constable
    Cc: Unicode List;
    Subject: Re: [indic] Unicode Processing Requirements for Tamil (was:
    28th IUC paper - Tamil Unicode New)
    Peter Constable wrote:
    Sure, because (unless you happen to notice this bit of text buried in
    the standard), the Latin superscript digits are treated as *not* being
    part of the same script run, and so the cluster is broken, etc.
    Says who? The script property for the latin
    (regular/superscript/subscript) digits is Common.


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