Re: Punctuation character (inverted interrobang) proposed

From: Andrew West (
Date: Tue Sep 06 2005 - 04:12:31 CDT

  • Next message: Jon Hanna: "Re: For Western music notation lovers"

    On 06/09/05, Patrick Andries <> wrote:
    > Exactly. If they are used (by several authors), then they can
    > legitimately be proposed for encoding. I always thought this was a
    > simple litmus test, rather than reason by analogy and imagine how people
    > could be using a rare (defunct ?) American invention in other cultures.

    The minutes from the May UTC meeting
    gives an action on Michael to "[p]rovide further usage information and
    documentation on inverted interrobang from the Spanish user
    community", which I interpret to mean that the UTC agrees that this
    character should be encoded on the basis of actual usage rather than
    potential usage.


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