Re: For Western music notation lovers

From: Patrick Andries (
Date: Tue Sep 06 2005 - 15:19:12 CDT

  • Next message: Richard Wordingham: "Re: New property for reordrant dependent vowels reordering?"
    Rick McGowan a écrit :
    Ken wrote,
    The case for a symbol for an H-shaped multi-rest symbol is better,
    I think. It is cited in-line in the example as a symbol. But it
    should definitely be a newly encoded symbol, rather than a
    reinterpretation of the existing U+1D13A.
    I concur with this. 
    Fine with me. As long as the defect is taken care of. Just would like to know how many Unicode musical implementations there are out there and what they do with U+1D13A.

    As mentioned earlier, this may be interesting data to evaluate the pragmatic aspects of this correction.

    P. A.

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