Re: ldml dtd location

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri Sep 23 2005 - 16:58:40 CDT

  • Next message: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin: "Re: French accented letters"

    From: "Mark Davis" <>
    > Theo Veenker wrote:
    >> The current doctype declaration of an LDML file is:
    >> <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "">
    >> In my setup I just want use a locally installed copy of the DTD. So
    >> my request would be to use a public identifier for the official
    >> 'location' (to be known by the app) and a relative system identifier
    >> which one can use to find the DTD relative to the referring LDML file.
    >> Something like this:
    >> <!DOCTYPE ldml PUBLIC "-//Unicode Consortium//DTD Common Locale Data
    >> Repository//EN" "../../dtd/ldml.dtd">
    > 2. There is already a mechanism you can use to use a local, cached copy of
    > the dtd. It speeds up processing of files quite dramatically.
    > For the CLDR tools it's implemented in Java but you should be able to use
    > similar mechanisms for other languages. Look at CachingEntityResolver in
    > the CLDR repository.

    I would not recommand changing the system URL in XML files (this would
    require editing all of them, meaning that they are no more portable). Mark
    is right, the solution is to implement an entity resolver, that can, for
    example, map a list of internally supported public identifiers to a local
    system URL (which may be embedded in the application itself as an internal
    static resource), ignoring the specified system URL specified in the XML
    document and which should only be used in absence of a local copy of the

    Most web browsers do that internally for the HTML DTDs; in addition, they
    use their own local internet cache to resolve external system URLs if
    possible without having to query the remove server of that external system

    Only lazy implementations of validating XML parsers forget to implement
    entity resolvers, resulting in poor performance and unnecessary multiple
    requests to get those system entities. The API for implementing entity
    resolvers is present in all common XML parser libraries...

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