ZWJ in IDN [Was: Hebrew script, was Exemplar Characters]

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Mon Nov 21 2005 - 03:05:05 CST

  • Next message: Ngwe Tun: "Re: ZWNJ in IDN (Burmese Issues)"

    On Saturday, November 19th, 2005 15:33Z, Neil Harris wrote:

    > Oh, and it looks like ZWJ is needed, too:

    This case (usually called khanta ta) should be handled in a different way in
    future versions of The Unicode Standard. As such, it is not a good case to
    request ZWJ (and perhaps even a good reason to not include it, according to

    A similar case are Malayalam 'cillu' (or 'chillu'); while the UTC does not
    have a firm position yet like in the Bengali case, there are enough
    probabilities it would, to delay decision about including ZWJ based on this
    case alone.

    I am not saying ZWJ should not be included, just that if you want it to be
    included, you should find other cases than those two.


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