Re: corrections to P-list ?

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri Mar 03 2006 - 08:24:10 CST

  • Next message: E. Keown: "(no subject)"

    From: "Kenneth Whistler" <>
    >> It seems that all work in JTC1/SC2 (coded character sets) has
    >> been stalled since 2004, the last published standard being
    >> ISO 10646:2003 published at end of 2003.
    > This is false. SC2/WG2 meets regularly on a twice-annual basis,
    > and has a very full agenda at every meeting. The next SC2 plenary itself
    > is scheduled for April at the Mountain View, CA, USA meeting.
    > Amd 1 and Amd 2 to ISO 10646:2003 have been published since 2003.

    You don't need to speculate on my intentions. I was only refering to the workgroup about coded character sets. It is really visible from the homepage of the main website hosted by DKUUG that this group is stalled since 2004 (and the title has a strike through to make this even more visible).

    If there was not so many ugly acronyms nearly impossible to remember in the workgroup name, I would have not forgotten to specify one part of it...

    And it's true that SC2 in general has not published new standards since then, only working drafts, meeting agendas, procedural ballots and amendments, all for an already published standard, namely ISO/IEC 10646:2003. But its website is really obscure and does not exhibit any effort to clarify its activities.

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