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From: E. Keown (k_isoetc@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Mar 03 2006 - 11:11:04 CST

  • Next message: Andreas Prilop: "Re: [almost OT] Music score with RTL lyrics"

               March 2006


    Below, my first definition of a term one MUST know to
    understand character set work. Feel very free to
    critique this. This definition is for non-geeks or,
    at best, semi-geeks.

    Character set, a definition :
            A character set is a computerized version
            of any alphabet (or other writing system).
            Each letter, number, symbol, etc. of the
            computerized alphabet is assigned a unique
            number for the computer to use in software.

    There must be 15 core terms needed for a
    mini-dictionary for character set work. But which 15?

    Marc Kuester of DIN told me that German-language
    proposals include what he calls a "Fachwörterliste," a
    list of terminology to harmonize usage in all German
    technical documents. Great idea!

    Translations of the word character set:

    le jeu de caractère (le pluriel prefere?)
    Codifica dei caratteri

    PLEASE send me more translations if you have them!

    As you know, the Hebrew language has been written for
    3,150 years, at least. There are four living languages
    which were written for over 2,900 years:

    Part of what happened with computerizing Hebrew is
    that no academic Semitist knew the phrase 'character
    set' until maybe 1999.

    There are at least a dozen scholarly societies which
    concern themselves with Hebrew. But only 1-2 of these
    societies have any computational work.

    Elaine Keown
    in white bread America

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