Re: FW: Representative glyphs for combining kannada signs

From: Ngwe Tun (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 13:38:01 CST

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: FW: Representative glyphs for combining kannada signs"

    Dear Perter, Members

    I would like to share about burmese issues relating Uniscribe.

    The Latest Uniscribe Ver 1.606.5095.0 supported to shape burmese character
    in lastest Windows 2000 and Windows XP. In OpenType Table (rlig and kern)
    features supported render burmese characters according to unicode encoding.
    But burmese scripts are complex script type and we needed to handle
    reordering, fallback rendering, cursor movement and word breaking by
    uniscirbe engine. AFAK, MS needs to implement script specific function on
    uniscribe. It mean everybody said so *Burmese language not supported*,

    And Do we need others setting/implementation for Burmese? I mean NLS data,
    Locale setting and code page. We have a doubt that somebody said *no need to
    implement for specific language*, For every language, Microsoft will
    support Microsoft Locale Builder in next version of vista, is it true for
    burmese? I guess so Microsoft can't support rendering engine customization
    in locale builder. I saw this screenshots in

    But Some of Burmese language implementer announced that "Their OpenType Font
    & Unicoded implementation succeeded in Microsoft Windows." We do not accept
    condition that OpenType font might be succeeded but uniscribe and input
    method are needed to implement by Microsoft. ref: *you may see some graphics* (it's wrote
    down by burmese langauge) So, Please sujjest me that implementation is
    suitable for long term use. Any how, We need to use for that kinds of
    implementation, if MS does not implement for burmese.

    Their implementation might be faced some problem when new version of
    uniscribe implementation for burmese by Microsoft. May be double reordering
    and some infinite loops in rendering.

    And Let me know basis functions of uniscribe for complex script. We would be
    avoid some implementation in fonts. We are going to enable Burmese for pango
    and qt rendering engine. It would be release in next month. So, we can
    express opentype specification for burmese when succeeded in pango/qt


    Ngwe Tun

    On 3/22/06, Mike Ayers <> wrote:
    > Andrew West wrote:
    > > What
    > > you seem to be saying is that every single MS product that relies on
    > > Uniscribe for complex script rendering should have special code
    > > written in to overcome the deficiencies of certain versions of
    > > Uniscribe, even when the deficiencies did not exist when the code was
    > > written. Wow!
    > Yeah! How *dare* he imply that a software vendor take full
    > responsibility for the end user experience of its products instead of
    > shunting blame to a third party!
    > Bravo, Peter.
    > /|/|ike

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