Re: Representative glyphs for combining kannada signs

From: Andrew West (
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 14:00:51 CST

  • Next message: Keutgen, Walter: "CLDR 1.4"

    On 21/03/06, Peter Constable <> wrote:
    > > From: [] On
    > > Behalf Of Andrew West
    > > > Please read my explanation carefully. Unscribe plays a role in the
    > > symptoms displayed by Charmap, to be sure. Charmap could have been written
    > > to avoid Uniscribe's font fallback, and arguably should have been, which
    > > is why I referred to it as a Charmap issue.
    > >
    > > OK, so the fact that exactly the same behaviour (i.e. with Arial
    > > Unicode MS selected only Oriya digits are displayed) is seen in
    > > Notepad with Uniscribe version 1.409.2600.1106 and later (but not with
    > > Uniscribe version 1.405.2416.1 or earlier) is a bug in Notepad ?! What
    > > you seem to be saying is that every single MS product that relies on
    > > Uniscribe for complex script rendering should have special code
    > > written in to overcome the deficiencies of certain versions of
    > > Uniscribe, even when the deficiencies did not exist when the code was
    > > written. Wow!
    > That's not at all what I said or implied. Since Character Map displays all the
    > characters in the cmap table of the selected font, it makes sense that it would
    > actually display the glyphs from that font. That is not a running-text scenario,
    > and Uniscribe support is not required.

    That's true, but clearly Charmap is using Uniscribe support, and
    probably when Charmap was written it worked OK that way.

    > Running text in Notepad is a different matter altogether.

    A different matter maybe, but the same problem.


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