Re: Reality check - non-Unicode in Guinea-GTZ documents 2005

From: Richard Gillam (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 09:51:56 CDT

  • Next message: Mark Davis: "Re: Reality check - non-Unicode in Guinea-GTZ documents 2005"


    > What is really needed, of course, is a "Unicode for Dummies" book.
    > Seriously. Anyone who has read books in the "Dummies" or "Complete
    > Idiot" series knows that some of them are quite well-written, and
    > excellent at teaching new material to educable beginners.

    I'm curious-- as I'm sure you know, there are three books about Unicode out
    there already: Tony Graham's book, Jukka Korpela's book, and my book. None
    of them, of course, are part of the "Dummies" series, but I'm wondering
    whether you think any of them would serve well as an introduction to
    Unicode along the lines of the "Dummies" books, and if not, why not.

    I haven't read Tony and Jukka's books, although I keep meaning to (by the
    time I finished my own, I was pretty Unicoded out), so I'm not in a
    position to comment. I've come to think mine's too long to serve as a good
    introductory text, even though that's what I was after when I wrote it.

    Even if none of the current titles really hit the bullseye, is the market
    big enough for yet another Unicode book? I know mine hasn't exactly flown
    off the shelves.

    --Rich Gillam
      Global Name Recognition/Entity Analytics Solutions

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