Re: Unicode & space in programming & l10n

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Tue Oct 03 2006 - 11:57:43 CST

  • Next message: Chen, John: "Unicode porting for C++ source on UNIX station."

    From: "Hans Aberg" <>
    >> Codecs in the MPEG family become more and more universal and they
    >> are the key for mobility!
    > This is mainly for larger sized movies. So if compression becomes
    > less important in the future, that is down the road for movies.

    You come to that conclusion only because you assume that bandwidth can be extended indefinitely ; it is not, especially in the mobile world, where we are constrained by international regulation frequencies ans physical properties of waves (where longer waves reach larger areas with less black holes than shorter waves which require direct visibility).

    Additionally, the spectrum contains natural or environmental pollution, limiting the singal/noise ratio.

    So if the frequency spectrum is limited, the only way to extend the binary bandwidth is through codecs and compression methods. If we live in a world with lots of mobile applications, the split between mobile and wired applications will become larger, unless the same compression codecs offer similar qulity of service.

    Note that we are already now approaching the limits at which even the wired applications suffer the same limitations as waves, also because of physical properties, and to go further, we need to consume much more energy (and this is also a limiting factor, for its increasing cost, but also for political/social/ethical reasons about evnvironment preservation).

    The final factor is that people want small devices. This limits its capacity for its storage but also for its processing.

    In other words, compression technics and codecs are definitely not a obsoleting domain. In fact we use them more and more, pressured by the need to handle more data with the same resources!

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