Re: Proposing UTF-21/24

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Tue Jan 23 2007 - 02:47:51 CST

  • Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: Proposing a DOUBLE HYPHEN punctuation mark"


    > facilitate the implementation of, BOCU-1." "Necessary to... the
    > implementation of" means you cannot implement BOCU without infringing on
    > IBM's patent, unless IBM has granted you a license. IBM is known for
    > enforcing their IP patents, either sooner or later. I tried for months
    > to obtain a developer-friendly clarification of this restriction --
    > something akin to the "freely available" clause in UTR #16
    > (UTF-EBCDIC) -- and was utterly unable to do so.

    Did you ever actually try to get a licence from IBM? While I too would far
    rather have seen BOCU-1 be freely available, the language says "IBM would
    like to offer a royalty free license to this patent upon request to
    implementers of a fully compliant version of BOCU-1"; if you'd been denied a
    license that would be surprising.


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