U+25CC and fonts

From: Samuel Thibault (samuel.thibault@labri.fr)
Date: Sat Jun 16 2007 - 15:46:13 CDT

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: U+25CC and fonts"


    When looking for instance in gucharmap at the Kannara unicode block,
    using the Kedage font, some characters like U+0CBE, U+0CBF, etc. are
    rendered with a U+25CC box. This is probably because the Norasi doesn't
    provide a glyph for U+25CC.

    On http://www.microsoft.com/typography/OpenTypeDevGlyphs.mspx#complex ,
    Microsoft says "For the fallback mechanism to work properly, an OTL font
    should contain a glyph for the dotted circle (U+25CC). In case this
    glyph is missing from the font, the invalid signs will be displayed on
    the missing glyph shape (white box)."

    Is this true? (so that it is actually a font issue, not a font engine


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