Re: Composition of not included Chinese characters

From: Julian Bradfield (
Date: Tue Sep 25 2007 - 05:49:46 CDT

  • Next message: Ngwe Tun: "a pitfall in UTN11 Myanmar Encoding Standards."

    In article <> writes:

    >Whilst IDS are freely available, the CDL seems to be copyrighted by
    >Wenlin. Actually CDL is cartesian which is not the way Chinese
    >characters are formed and so though it contains one possible
    >representation of a character, better is to be able to store how the
    >characters are formed.

    Indeed. I don't really understand why the CDL is accepted as a
    proposal, since it's clearly designed for typographic purposes, not
    analytical purposes - and for that reason, Wenlin protect their data.

    I have a student project just starting which aims to embrace and
    extend the IDS approach into something that will produce compositional
    descriptions of characters, and provide a publicly available database
    of such descriptions.

    I'll let this list know if and when it gets some results worth playing

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