Re: Level of Unicode support required for various languages

From: David Starner (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2007 - 10:17:01 CDT

  • Next message: James Kass: "Re: Level of Unicode support required for various languages"

    On 10/26/07, David Starner <> wrote:
    > Are there a significant
    > number of characters that would rarely see print today even in
    > scholarly editions of old works? That's the convention used for other
    > works.

    This was less than clear; let me try again.

    Are there a significant number of Han ideographs in Extension A that
    would rarely see print today even in scholarly editions of old works?
    The rest of the world's scholars have the scripts they use encoded in
    the BMP and counted as modern use--albeit because they mostly write in
    Latin (Gothic, Cuniforme, etc.), Greek, Cyrillic, or Hebrew (most
    Semetic writings), probably Arabic and Devanagari, scripts that are in
    modern use and can be included in the BMP in whole.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Fri Oct 26 2007 - 10:18:51 CDT