Re: Encoding Personal Use Ideographs

From: James Kass (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2007 - 21:08:49 CST

  • Next message: John H. Jenkins: "Re: Encoding Personal Use Ideographs"

    Kenneth Whistler wrote,

    >> Meanwhile, what is the official position concerning ideographic
    >> description sequences (and possible glyph generation from same)
    >> for representing unlikely-to-ever-be-encoded personal ideographs
    >> in plain text?
    > There is no "official position". If you must have one, then
    > I'd suggest submitting a proposal asking the UTC to go on
    > record with an official position. Just be careful -- you
    > might get what you are asking for: an "official position".

    The concern is that an approach will be implemented and
    publicized. Five years down the road, a FAQ will appear
    forbidding the practice. This may seem a little far-fetched,
    but stranger things have happened.

    Best regards,

    James Kass

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