Re: Acceptable alembic glyph variants

From: Dominikus Scherkl (
Date: Tue Jan 01 2008 - 11:35:19 CST

  • Next message: Andreas Sttzner: "The Geejay (was: Acceptable alembic glyph variants)"

    James Kass schrieb:
    > In the definition for atténuant, the text reads:
    > "... verdünnend (e? Mittel..."
    > What is that Fraktur symbol? Is it an ampersand?

    No, it's a round "s", somewhat enlarged to say that it's
    a word of neutral gender (singular is with the "s", plural without)

    Best regards,

    Dominikus Scherkl
    PS: Happy new Year!
         Frohes neues Jahr!

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