Re: FWD: 2008 UN Year of Languages. 2008-02-28 International Mother Language Day

From: John Hudson (
Date: Wed Feb 13 2008 - 21:59:11 CST

  • Next message: Don Osborn: "RE: 2008 UN Year of Languages. 2008-02-28 International Mother Language Day"

    > Announcement - 2008 Year of Languages

    > The year 2008 has been proclaimed International Year of Languages by
    > the United Nations General Assembly. With the slogan "languages
    > matter!"

    Thereby demonstrating a remarkable infelicity of language and ponderous cliché. I wonder
    if the UN has a whole string of such slogans -- woman matter! children matter! minorities
    matter! water matters! -- the insistent formula of which seems unlikely to inspire the
    respect that the things themselves plainly deserve.


    Tiro Typeworks
    Gulf Islands, BC
    The Lord entered her to become a servant.
    The Word entered her to keep silence in her womb.
    The thunder entered her to be quiet.
                 -- St Ephrem the Syrian

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