Re: N3412: Last Resort Pictures

From: Tom (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2008 - 16:44:33 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: N3412: Last Resort Pictures"

    Similarly, there exists a glyph for UNDEFINED that doesn't contain any
    plane number. It is just a simple square with diagonal lines, with the
    text "UNDEFINED" printed on the northern and southern sides; "0000" on
    the western side; and "FFFF" on the eastern.

    I haven't seen that glyph in the table.
    An Apple a day keeps Microsoft away

    Second Lt. Applemeister of the 68k Macintosh Liberation Army

    On 1 Apr 2008, at 22:58, Dominikus Scherkl wrote:

    > Michael Everson schrieb:
    >> Please see
    > Nice first of April post.
    > But if this is a serious proposal, there are some errors:
    > - The name of E02A8 should be "LR-10000-1FFFD PLANE-1 UNDEFINED",
    > not "LR-0000-FFFD PLANE-1 UNDEFINED"
    > - No glyphs for "PLANE-3 UNDEFINED" to "PLANE-13 UNDEFINED"
    > (ok, there are no chars assigned, but the more important
    > those glyphs would be!)
    > - I still think the Glyph "A" for latin is a very bad choice,
    > as this very same glyph is also in cyrillic and greek used.
    > Why not some glyph that is unique to latin, and at the same
    > time represents the name of the script quite well, like the
    > "L" glyph?
    > Best regards,
    > --
    > Dominikus Scherkl

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