Re: Character found in national standard not defined in Unicode?

From: André Szabolcs Szelp (
Date: Thu Apr 24 2008 - 16:53:18 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Solar symbol in ARMSCI standard not defined in Unicode? Is it same as Georgian Borjgaly ?"

    it was not a real concern, I don't work with Armenian data, nor do I
    read it, I just came across that piece of information and was
    wondering why. I thought, best place to ask was here. Who else would
    know, if not the people here? :-)

    Also I was puzzled, because I thought there was a guidline to create
    one-to-one mappings of pre-existing (including national) standards
    (that's why Dutch ij is included as a single character, while its
    encoding as two characters is recommended, that's why the alphabetical
    presentation forms of fi, fl etc. are included, ...)
    So this does not hold?


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