Re: how to add all latin (and greek) subscripts

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Mon Jun 30 2008 - 18:53:02 CDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Capital Sharp S in the News"

    At 19:34 -0400 2008-06-30, David Starner wrote:
    >Plain text does a lousy job at "communicat[ing] and record[ing]
    >language electronically", especially when you get into specialized
    >notations like music and math. It's the wrong tool for the job, and
    >extending it to cover them will likely just add poorly supported

    Ahhhh bollocks. Clever, but no. The Rosetta Stone and the Laws of
    Hammurabi are plain text. Does exactly what it says on the tin.
    Dragging maths and music into it is a totally different thing.

    Content is the thing that markers-up like to mark up. But content is
    the centre.

    Michael Everson *

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