RE: Emoji: emoticons vs. literacy

From: Peter Constable (
Date: Sat Jan 10 2009 - 13:14:17 CST

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: Hand characters"

    From: [] On Behalf Of Van Riper

    > Might I digress briefly to ask a procedural question?
    > Clearly, there is no consensus emerging in these discussions...

    > So, how do we best proceed in such a situation?

    If the people that have started working on preparing a proposal continue that work, complete a proposal and submit it for consideration by UTC (as I expect they will), then the Symbols sub-committee will review that proposal and, considering the various opinions they might have heard* together with their own judgments, decide whether that proposal has merit and is in a mature-enough state for UTC to take action, and make a recommendation to UTC one way or another. UTC, in turn, will consider the input of the Symbols subcommittee together with their own judgments and decide whether to encode some or all of the characters.

    *Note: discussion on the unicode list is not equivalent to providing input to the UTC or its subcommittees; members of those committees may monitor some discussions on this list, but doing so places them under no obligation to represent any opinions other than their own to the committees.


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