Re: Persian musical koron and sori

From: Behnam (
Date: Sun Feb 01 2009 - 13:06:32 CST

  • Next message: Hans Aberg: "Re: Persian musical koron and sori"

    To give you a vague idea (as vague as mine) imagine the black keys on
    the piano are joined to the white keys (half tones) and quarter tones
    on top of it.

    On 1-Feb-09, at 1:34 PM, Hans Aberg wrote:

    > On 1 Feb 2009, at 18:19, Rick McGowan wrote:
    >>> From what I could see in the code charts, the Persian musical
    >>> accidentals koron and sori are not added to Unicode (right?). Are
    >>> they planned to be added?
    >> They are not on anyone's list to add, as far as I know. If you
    >> have enough information to make a proposal, please feel free to
    >> propose them.
    > I don't know enough about them to make such a proposal, but they
    > are used in Persian music. And it turns out to be problem on the
    > LilyPond list not having the glyphs in a Unicode font.
    > I know them from the thesis by Hormoz Farhat, "The Dastgāh Concept
    > in Persian Music", which says Ali Naqi Vaziri devised them for use
    > in E24 (24-ET, 24 equal temperament). But they are now used to
    > indicate Persian style intermediate pitches, not tied to any
    > particular tuning (though Farhat's values suggest traditional music
    > uses Pythagorean tuning, for practical music purposes the same as
    > E53).
    > This page
    > shows what they look like:<koron.gif><sori.gif>
    > Namely, as a horizontally mirrored flat with the loop (resp. a
    > sharp with the two horizontal lines) changed to a >.
    > Hans

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